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A Health Coach does not diagnose, treat or take responsibility for bringing about wellness changes in a client’s life; rather, he/she guides and supports the development of and progress towards personal wellness goals.

A Health Coach often works with generally healthy clients who may not necessarily be practicing many bad habits, but are not practicing enough of the good habits.


With a strong focus on behavioral choices along with the basic understanding of dietary patterns and overall health, Health Coaches fulfill an important and distinct role that does not rely on an advanced degree in medicine, nutrition science or dietetics.      —IAHC

Support For

Chronic Health Conditions

Having a chronic condition doesn’t always mean that you are necessarily disabled. Many people who have chronic conditions live normal, productive lives, while continuing to work and enjoy an active social life. Many have found that good food, healthful nutrition can be as powerful as drugs in treating or helping to stabilize symptoms of some conditions. Some diets have even claimed to reverse and stop the progression of some diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis.


I can personally attest to the daily challenge of living with a chronic health condition, for I live with MS. Since my diagnosis in 1992 with relapsing-remitting MS, I have learned to integrate it into my life rather than let it become my life: I don’t lead with it. It is not who I am. Many, many people have learned that very same way of living.


There are other conditions that people live with heroically. There may be issues in common with MS that we, too, can talk about. I am willing to listen and share insights, guidance and resources when you schedule a session with me.

What Do Health Coaches Do?
More On Chronic Health Conditions

Gwen has her Health Coach Certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition® and is a member of the International Association for Health Coaches.

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